avoid NA in reward calculation er_croprotation when no measures lead to reward, #BBWP-142
BBWPC v2.3.3 2024-10-11
Weighing factor for effects on WB is updated
Summary text of measure G11aBWP4 is updated
BBWPC v2.3.2 2024-10-01
Category of measures (column ‘categories’ of table bbwp_measures) are updated. Now ‘Watervasthouden’ is split into ‘irrigatie’, ‘drainage’, ‘watervasthouden’, or ‘erf’, ‘Ecoregeling’ is removed.
Changes made in the column ‘category’ (in v2.3.1) are reset
BBWPC v2.3.1 2024-09-27
A category of measures (column ‘category’ of table bbwp_measures), watervasthouden, is split into 2 categories: watervasthouden_effecientie and watervasthouden_irrigatie
Duplictes of measure titles were removed, new names were given
BBWPC v2.3.0 2024-09-17
A new input parameter for landscape category B_LS_HYDROCAT is added to the function bbwp, bbwp_field_scores, and bbwp_meas_rank
Measure table (bbwp_measures) were updated, with which effect scores for water buffering (effect_wb) are updated
and landscape-category-specific weighing factors are added
BBWPC v2.2.2 2024-08-12
add and re-format tests for er_croprotation without measures
BRP codes from 2023 and 2024 have been added to bbwp_parms following pandex@5.10.0
check on B_LSW_ID in bbwp_main that LSW has only unique properties per LSW_ID
wrong output format after melt has been updated, #BBWP-119
check on LSW_IDS
BBWPC v2.2.1 2023-12-28
possibility to falisfy the weighing fraction for evaluation of risks in wf function, default set to TRUE, #BBWP-67
argument penalty added to the functions bbwp_field_indicators, bbwp_field_scores and bbwp_main, #BBWP-67
function bbwp_field_indicators is simplified
BBWPC v2.1.1 2023-12-27
function bbwp_format_sc_wenr to ensure that B_SC_WENR is an integer conform format Van den Akker (2006), #BBWP-66
argument description of B_SC_WENR as input has changed, was character, is now integer
argument description of B_LSW_ID as input has changed, was integer, is now character
BBWPC v2.1.0 2023-12-26
update effect of bufferstrips and helofytenfilter in bbwp_measures, bbwp_meas_scores and bbwp_meas_rank
four obsolete columns removed from bbwp_measures including p_ow,p_ow2,n_ow,and n_ow2
reference to B_LU_BBWP updated, was character and not an integer, in bbwp_meas_scores and bbwp_meas_rank
fix errors in UTF-8 in summary descriptions of meaures in bbwp_measures
BBWPC v2.0.0 2023-09-06
remove function bbwp_check_lsw and internal package table lsw, #BBWP-50
add argument B_LSW_ID to functions bbwp and bbwp_field_indicators
remove arguments a_lon and a_lat from functions bbwp and bbwp_field_indicators
BBWPC v1.1.1 2023-08-08
cryptic error when both neither B_SLOPE or B_SLOPE_DEGREE are supplied and relying on their defaults, resolves #79
BBWPC v1.1.0 2023-07-01
grassland impacts on nitrogen losses, #BBWP-47
update D_PSW_SLOPE check in bbwp_field_indicators, #BBWP-47
avoid NA (missing recommendations) from bbwp_rank_measures when the farm score equals 100
assessment of measure impact given the distance to target, #BBWP-46
added drainage effect for effect P measures in bbwp_rank_measures and bbwp_measure_score, #BBWP-47
impact of regional goals and objectives is increased in bbwp_fieldscores, #BBWP-45
arguments of bbwp_meas_rank are updated (scores are required rather than opi)
update of a few effect scores in bbwp_measures, #BBWP-47
set pmin and pmax on derivation regional targets in bbwp_field_scores for nsw and psw
update tests for bbwp,bbwp_field_scores and bbwp_rank_measures
make D_SA_W a generic risk indicator rather than a ranking risk indicator, #BBWP-47
BBWPC v1.0.1 2023-05-19
confusing typos in function documentation
BBWPC v1.0.0 2023-01-20
update csv files for internal tables bbwp_measures and eco_brp (reduce variants of EG20 from 18 to 6)
bbwp_measures has extra category Ecoregeling in column categories for each Ecoregeling measure
measures EB18 and EB19 are now field level measures and therefore transferred from er_croprotation to er_meas_scores for calculations
calculation of crop diversification index (EB10) is now based on the unique crops (brp codes) to which EB10 applies
applicability of EG20 is based on brp codes in er_crops, but not yet on arable, productive or cultivated land use.
calculation of NPA for EG20 is based on 100% nature area fields instead of 1-3%, 3-5% or >5% nature areas within fields.
adjust area on level ‘bedrijf’ in pdf.5 output from er_main
lower input level for B_AREA changed from 0 into 10, issue #BBWP-60
BBWPC v0.10.19 2023-01-18
Fixes error in the equation to calculate D_RISK_PSW
BBWPC v0.10.18
ecoregeling norms for landscape and water (on peat soil) were changed from 0 to 0.05 in er_scoring
in er_farm_aim the aims for landscape and water (on peat soils) got aims based on the new norms and were not set to 0 anymore
output of er_main now also includes values for $farm$s_er_landscape_bronze and $farm$s_er_landscape_silver
threshold values for bronze, silver and gold were changed into 15, 22.5 and 40 respectively in er_farm_aim
the er_measures table was extended from 7720 rows to 10457 rows
BBWPC v0.10.17
the documentation of internal bbwp tables is updated in bbwp_tables
BBWPC v0.10.16
update version of pandex package and bbwp_parms
BBWPC v0.10.15
Removed upper boundary in checkmates for S_ER scores
BBWPC v0.10.14
total of farm measures was calculated as weighted mean and is now added together instead for pdf.5 in ecoregeling pdf output
the total score per field in pdf.6 in the ecoregeling pdf output is now only based on field level measures and not on both field and farm level measures anymore
BBWPC v0.10.13
farm measures were duplicated when BBWP-service combines field and farm measures. Duplicates are removed, issue #BBWP-23
s_er_tot in farm score of the er output is set to s_er_farm_tot
total area in pdf.5 in er_pdf is updated
avoid warnings in fs2 corrections in er_meas_scores
BBWPC v0.10.12
farm-measure EB10 gives an error when no measures are given on field level, issue #BBWP-24
BBWPC v0.10.11
URL of measures BWP9 does not work and seems not to exist, URL of measure BWP9 therefore removed from database.
BBWPC v0.10.10
the columns waterkwaliteit, bodemkwaliteit, klimaat, biodiversiteit, landschap and categories were updated in the internal database measures.csv.
update values in internal table eco_brp.csv.
maximum score for s_er_landscape in er_main is now also equal to aim for golden medal instead of 1.
BBWPC v0.10.9
function er_croprotation calculates score for farm level measures that apply to measure specific area based on the specific area instead of the total farm area
BBWPC v0.10.8
function er_pdf to prepare all output needed for the ER farm report
functions er_croprotation,er_main, er_meas_rank,er_meas_scores, er_fieldscores updated to give desired output for the ER farm report. New argument pdf (boolean) is added. By default set to FALSE.
BBWPC v0.10.7
maximum scores in er_main are now equal to aim for golden medal
the threshold for landscape and water on peat soil is set to 0 in er_farm_aim
differentiation of costs based on economic region for farm level measures now depends on boolean region factor in the function er_croprotation
the score for crop diversification index is now automatically rewarded in er_croprotation based on the index, while the measure is still selectable in the measures list
in er_meas_score measures EG13 and EG14 are now independent of crop type and relative area is based on total area ditch
in er_meas_score measures for non-productive area have changed from farm to field level and are corrected on relative area
in er_meas_score scores for different medailles are updated
bbwp_measures datatable is updated (see additions below)
five columns were added to the internal database measures.csv to select the ER theme to which the measures applies most, namely waterkwaliteit, bodemkwaliteit, klimaat, biodiversiteit en landschap.
one column categories is added representing all categories that apply for a given measure
BBWPC v0.10.6
correction on calculation of S_ER_REWARD in er_croprotation, costs of farm level measures per farm are now per hectare instead of per m2 so the costs of farm level measures per ha and farm level measures per farm are now added up correctly
correction on brp codes to which the measures apply in internal table er_measures
BBWPC v0.10.5
changed name of TOTAL into FARM_TOT in input dt for er_medal in order to get the merge with aims right
s_er_water in er_main and er_opi are no longer showing score for soil but for water now
correction on calculation of s_er_costs_silver in er_farm_aim
S_ER_FARM_TOT in er_opi is now the sum of the five eco theme scores
BBWPC v0.10.4
the function ecoregeling in er_main gives an additional output object besides farm and field, named farm_tresholds
farm thresholds are given for 7 aims of Ecoregeling, differentiated for level bronze, silver or gold
thresholds for costs changed from absolute values to percentages in out of ecoregeling
field scores in output of er_opi have maximum levels similar to maximum levels of farm scores now
BBWPC v0.10.3
Set maxima for the five eco scores to 15 and for s_er_farm_tot to 50.
Set maximum for s_er_costs to 175 and convert to percentage between 0 and 100
Set aim for landscape to 1 and set aim for water to 1 in case all fields have B_SOILTYPE_AGR “veen”.
Update test-er
BBWPC v0.10.2
correction on calculation of S_ER_FARM_SCORE: now averaged over the five eco themes
the eco scores or eco aims are set to 0.001 when these are 0, to prevent outputs of NA’s.
argument thresholds to er_farm_aim for medals
s_er_tot to the field output
aim for total farm score and costs as threshold for medals
maximum costs is set to 250
changed order of output from ecoregeling in er_main
update tests
BBWPC v0.10.1
reward is now corresponding with the medal and a fixed value for bronze, silver and gold
minor error in test data test-er
visible binding s_er_reward added to er_main
the field score is set equal to the farm score for Ecoregeling method
input arguments B_CT_?? are removed from er_crop_rotation,er_field_score
input argument E_ER_TOT is removed from er_farm_score
adjust targets for landscape in the final scoring in er_medal and er_opi; there is no minimum needed.
the indicator score is set to the contribution of single fields to the farm score. The function er_field_score givers therefore the actual score per hectare, and not the relative score given target.
measures table is updated (some levels (field vs farm) have been altered)
BBWPC v0.10.0
test csv files removed from package directory and dev directory
threshold of scores for medals are set to zero for indicators climate and water (only on peat soils)
the absolute total score is used for medal check instead of the integrative total score
no “terras” measures are recommended for fields where B_SLOPE_DEGREE is less than 2% (fix in bbwp_meas_rank)
function er_opi to estimate the contribution of single fields to the farm score
exception for measure G20 is added to er_meas_rank, er_meas_score and er_crop_rotation.
the field score is set equal to the farm score for Ecoregeling method
input arguments B_CT_?? are removed from er_crop_rotation,er_field_score
input argument E_ER_TOT is removed from er_farm_score
adjust targets for landscape in the final scoring in er_medal and er_opi; there is no minimum needed.
the indicator score is set to the contribution of single fields to the farm score. The function er_field_score givers therefore the actual score per hectare, and not the relative score given target.
measures table is updated (some levels (field vs farm) have been altered)
BBWPC v0.9.1
Added table with BBWPC variable from pandex to standardise parameter checks
BBWPC v0.9.0
delete B_LU_ECO_x as input of er_main, er_meas_rank, er_meas_scores, and er_field_score.
reward is now fixed to the medal earned
scores and applicability of several measures is updated according to comments of Boerennatuur in bbwp_measures
selection criteria for Ecoregeling scoring is updated given applicability criteria from bbwp_measures
correction farm weighted mean of ER scores in er_crop_rotation
new package table with data.table of measures and which crops belong to these measures: er_measures
regional weighing factor for scoring, in er_measures as well as er_crop_rotation
added financial reward correction based on the agricultural economic region in the Netherlands, in er_crop_rotation and er_measure_scores
BBWPC v0.8.2
Use csv as source for bbwp_measures and er_crops instead of binaries, issue #41
Cleaned up /dev folder by removing unused files
Fix encoding of description in bbwp_measures
BBWPC v0.8.1
Set NA to ntb for description in bbwp_measures
BBWPC v0.8.0
B_LU_BBWP has been reclassified as a string with 12 crop catogories (linked to pandex)
use of B_LU_BBWP in bbwp_meas_score and bbwp_meas_rank and related measure categories updated
BBWPC v0.7.0
add er_medal to estimate the medal given score per field and farm
error in renaming indicator after melt in er_meas_score and er_crop_rotation
error in er_crop_rotation when multiple soils from same soiltype are given
BBWPC v0.6.0
table bbwp_measures is updated with scores, rewards and applicability of ER measures, issue #11
accumulation requirements are added to er_meas_rank and er_meas_score, issue #13
farm measure scoring is added to er_croprotation, issue #12
measures input table requires a bbwp_status to account for accumulation effects
medalscore added as argument toer_farm_aim, overruling input of argument farmscore
B_LU_BRP is removed as input for all bbwp_x functions, issue #35
set default BRP codes per BBWP category for waterstress indicators in bbwp_field_properties
B_LU_BBWPcategories have been updated from 19 to 112
BBWPC v0.5.8
Farm level measures are no longer advised at field level in bbwp_meas_rank and er_meas_rank
BBWPC v0.5.7
lower the task (opgave) for wet and peat soils for nitrate leaching, issue #25
remove incorrect B_GWL_CLASS unit check in bbwp_field_properties, issue #32
BBWPC v0.5.6
In the table bbwp_measures NA values are set to 0
BBWPC v0.5.5
Fixed error in description
BBWPC v0.5.4
Fixed error with check on B_GWL_CLASS, removed from bbwp_meas_rank
BBWPC v0.5.3
Update check on B_AREA, set to m2
BBWPC v0.5.2
Change variable names: d_area to b_area, reward to s_er_reward, er_medal to s_er_medal, lat and lon to a_lat and a_lon
BBWPC v0.5.1
internal table bbwp_measures with column bbwp_conflict
avoid additive scoring for conflicting measures in bbwp_meas_score and bbp_meas_rank
avoid additive scoring for conflicting measures in er_meas_score
add er_medal as farm output for ecoregeling
tests are updated
BBWPC v0.5.0
internal table er_aer_reward, prepared in dev
check and automatic update B_GWL_CLASS via function bbwp_format_aer, included in all relevant bbwp and er functions, issue #18
add B_AER_CBS as argument to all bbwp and er functions
output reward added to er_meas_score, er_field_scores and er_farm_score, issue #17
function ecoregeling adds reward as output in objects farm and field, issue #17
argument B_LU_BBWP is converted from string to integerish by removing cat_ in wrapper funs ecoregeling and bbwp
BBWPC v0.4.2
add LSW data as geopackage to dev
add bbwp_check_lsw to check, update the LSW data, with option for spatial intersection when geopackage is available
add internal package table lsw with the properties per local surface water (LSW)
argument D_WP changed into D_SA_W for all BBWP functions
BBWPC v0.4.1
B_SLOPE and B_SLOPE_DEGREE as input in wrapper function bbwp
change output of er_meas_rank from top.x to top_er_x with x being the targets
change output of bbwp_meas_rank from top.x to top_bbwp_x with x being the targets
replace x_meas_rank to inside the if*function in wrapper funs to speed up the code
change output scores of bbwp_field_score and input for bbwp_farm_score from D_OPI_x to S_BBWP_x
change output scores of er_field_score and input for er_farm_score from D_OPI_x to S_ER_x
change B_SLOPE to B_SLOPE_DEGREE in all functions
BBWPC v0.4.0
add wrapper function bbwp to run BBWP for a series of fields
add wrapper function ecoregeling to run Ecoregeling for a series of fields
add associated test functions for bbwp and ecoregeling
BBWPC v0.3.2
add argument B_SLOPE to bbwp_field_properties,bbwp_field_indicators, issue #4
add argument B_LU_BBWP to bbwp_meas_score
add id to output bbwp_meas_score
add hierarchy in runoff index for N and P, issue #2
update test functions for bbwp_field_properties,bbwp_field_indicators,
selection top*5 measures in bbwp_meas_rank in data.table format
remove duplicated NA outputs in bbwp_meas_rank when D_OPI is zero
add pmax on D_OPI in bbwp_field_scores
include bbwp_check_meas in all bbwp_functions to load, check and update the measures input data.table
BBWPC v0.3.1
er_farm_score, estimate farm averaged score for Ecoregeling method
test function for er_farm_score
add check for D_AREA length to bbwp_farm_score
update test function for bbwp_farm_score
BBWPC v0.3.0
er_farm_aim, estimate the Ecoregelingen (ER) score on farm level
er_meas_rank, rank the list of measures given impact on ER targets
er_meas_score, evaluate the impact of measures on ER targets given field properties
er_field_scores, evaluate current status and impact of measures on field level
er_croprotation, assess ER score following crop rotation plan without additional measures
bbwp_check_meas in bbwp_helpers to check, update and adapt the list of measures for BBWP and ER
table bbwp_measures showing all details (applicability, effectiviness) from measures for BBWP and ER
table er_scoring, showing the importance and scoring of environmental challenges for ER
table er_farm_measure, showing the impact of measures that are only valid on farm level
table er_crops, showing specific crop lists used for the ER
test functions for er_farm_aim, er_meas_rank, er_meas_score, er_field_scores, er_croprotation and bbwp_check_meas
ppr_tables_bbwp in dev along with associated csv files for tables bbwp_measures, er_scoring, er_farm_measure and er_crops