This table contains a series of agronomic measures, their applicability and effectiveness for multiple ecosystem services
- bbwp_id
The unique BBWP measure id based on the van Gerven number of the measure, related to the study by Van Gerven et al. (2020)
- nr_mok
A mock up code for bbwp measure id
- boot22_id
The measure id refering to the measure code on the Dutch "BOOT-lijst 2022"
- eco_id
The unique Ecoregeling measure id
- summary
A short explanation of the measure
- description
An elaborate description of the measure
- url
The URL refers to a web resource containing a fact sheet of the specific measure
- level
The spatial scale at which the measure is valid: "field" or "farm"
- category
The measure category, choices: "teeltmaatregel", "bodemverbetering", "bedrijf", "slootkantbeheer", "gewasbescherming", "precisiebemesting", "niet_productief", "watervasthouden", or "erf"
- dairy
Applicability of the measure in the dairy sector
- arable
Applicability of the measure in the arable sector
- vegetables_outdoor
Applicability of the measure in the (outdoor) vegetables sector
- bulbs
Applicability of the measure in the bulb sector
- tree_nursery
Applicability of the measure on tree nurseries
- sand
Applicability of the measure on sandy soils
- loess
Applicability of the measure on loess soils
- clay
Applicability of the measure on clay soils
- peat
Applicability of the measure on peat soils
- psw_psg_low
Additional impact on the effectiveness of the measure for P losses to surface water when the P saturation index is low
- psw_psg_medium
Additional impact on the effectiveness of the measure for P losses to surface water when the P saturation index is medium
- psw_psg_high
Additional impact on the effectiveness of the measure for P losses to surface water when the P saturation index is high
- nsw_drains
Additional impact on the effectiveness of the measure for N losses to surface water on fields with drainage
- nsw_nodrains
Additional impact on the effectiveness of the measure for N losses to surface water on fields without drainage
- nsw_gwl_high
Additional impact on the effectiveness of the measure for N losses to surface water under high groundwater level conditions
- nsw_gwl_low
Additional impact on the effectiveness of the measure for N losses to surface water under low groundwater level conditions
- psw_noslope
Additional impact on the effectiveness of the measure for P losses to surface water when there is no slope
- psw_bulbs
Additional impact on the effectiveness of the measure for P losses to surface water when applied on a bulb field
- ngw_grassland
Additional impact on the effectiveness of the measure for N losses to groundwater on grasslands
- p_ow
Effectiveness of the measure on total P load in surface water
- p_ow2
Effectiveness of the measure on P concentration in ditch
- n_ow
Effectiveness of the measure on total N load in surface water
- n_ow2
Effectiveness of the measure on N concentration in ditch
- effect_ngw
Effectiveness of the measure for nitrate losses to groundwater
- effect_psw
Effectiveness of the measure for P losses to surface water
- effect_nsw
Effectiveness of the measure for N losses to surface water
- effect_nue
Effectiveness of the measure for improving nutrient use efficiency
- effect_wb
Effectiveness of the measure to improve water holding capacity of soil
- effect_costs
Index representing the costs for implementing the measure
- b_lu_arable_er
Boolean indicating whether the crop falls within the ER category "arable"
- b_lu_productive_er
Boolean indicating whether the crop falls within the ER category "productive"
- b_lu_cultivated_er
Boolean indicating whether the crop falls within the ER category "cultivated"
- er_climate
The measure impact score for eco theme climate
- er_soil
The measure impact score for eco theme soil
- er_water
The measure impact score for eco theme water
- er_landscape
The measure impact score for eco theme landscape
- er_biodiversity
The measure impact score for eco theme biodiversity
- er_euro_ha
The estimated costs of the measure per hectare (euro/ha)
- er_euro_farm
The estimated costs of measures per farm (euro/farm)
- bbwp_conflict
Code indicating measure conflict: measures with same bbwp_conflict code are conflicting
- acc_anlb
Indicator specifying how score and reward need to adjust when measure is already applied with Dutch ANLB, choices: "none", "score only", "reward only", "both score and reward"
- acc_glmc
Indicator specifying how score and reward need to adjust when measure is already applied with Dutch GLMC, choices: "none", "score only", "reward only", "both score and reward"
- regio_factor
Boolean specifying whether regional correction on measure costs based on agricultural economic region is required
- bodemkwaliteit
Boolean specifying whether measure greatly contributes to eco theme soil
- waterkwaliteit
Boolean specifying whether measure greatly contributes to eco theme water
- klimaat
Boolean specifying whether measure greatly contributes to eco theme climate
- biodiversiteit
Boolean specifying whether measure greatly contributes to eco theme biodiversity
- landschap
Boolean specifying whether measure greatly contributes to eco theme landscape
- nc1
Applicability of the measure on crop category "gras_permanent"
- nc2
Applicability of the measure on crop category "gras_tijdelijk"
- nc3
Applicability of the measure on crop category "rustgewas"
- nc4
Applicability of the measure on crop category "rooivrucht"
- nc5
Applicability of the measure on crop category "groenten"
- nc6
Applicability of the measure on crop category "bollensierteelt"
- nc7
Applicability of the measure on crop category "boomfruitteelt"
- nc8
Applicability of the measure on crop category "natuur"
- nc9
Applicability of the measure on crop category "mais"
- nc10
Applicability of the measure on crop category "randensloot"
- nc11
Applicability of the measure on crop category "vanggewas"
- nc12
Applicability of the measure on crop category "eiwitgewas"
- categories
Eco and/or BBWP categories to which the measure greatly contributes
- hoge_gronden
weighing factor of effect_wb for the landscape category hoge gronden
- flanken
weighing factor of effect_wb for the landscape category flanken
- beekdalen
weighing factor of effect_wb for the landscape category beekdalen
- lokale_laagtes
weighing factor of effect_wb for the landscape category lokale laagtes
- polders
weighing factor of effect_wb for the landscape category polders