

allAnswers: answerSet
blendQuestions: string[]
cmcAnswers: string[]
cmcQuestions: string[]
fprVersion: "FPR 2019/1009"
fprVersionSet: undefined | fprType
generalProductQuestions: string[]
lastKeyComponentNr: number
locale: localesType
nrOfComponents: number
packageVersion: string = '1.1.4'

Class of Generator to generate the Technical Documentation for a EU fertilizing product

Param: locale


Param: fprVersion



A Generator class with the functions getNextQuestion and getTechnicalDocumentation

pfcDesignation: undefined | "PFC 1.A.I" | "PFC 1.A.II" | "PFC 1.B.I" | "PFC 1.B.II" | "PFC 1.C.I.a.i" | "PFC 1.C.I.a.i.A" | "PFC 1.C.I.a.ii" | "PFC 1.C.I.a.ii.A" | "PFC 1.C.I.b.i" | "PFC 1.C.I.b.ii" | "PFC 1.C.II.a" | "PFC 1.C.II.b" | "PFC 2" | "PFC 3.A" | "PFC 3.B" | "PFC 4" | "PFC 5.A" | "PFC 5.B" | "PFC 5.C" | "PFC 6.A" | "PFC 6.B" | "PFC 7" = undefined


  • Check if all questions have been answered

    Returns boolean

    true if all questions have been answered, else false

  • Internal

    Check completeness of general product questions

    A helper function to identifyNextQuestion

    If the general questions for a FPRversion have been answered, this function returns true.

    Returns boolean


  • Internal

    Identify the next question

    Returns string

    The id of the next question idType

  • Internal

    Get questionId for component questions

    Helper function for identifyNextQuestion finds the first component where not all cmcQuestions have been answered.

    Returns string

    The id of the next question idType

  • Saves the answer to the current question.

    The answer is stored in the allAnswers property of the generator.


    Returns boolean

    true if the answer was successfully saved, and false otherwise.

  • Store the generator as JSON file


    • filePath: string

      The file path for where to store the properties of the generator. Should have the extension ".json".

    Returns boolean

    A boolean to indicate if the file has been stored successfully