This function calculates the change in S-balance compared to averaged S-supply as given in fertilizer recommendation systems.
calc_sbal_arable(D_SLV, B_LU_BRP, B_SOILTYPE_AGR, B_AER_CBS)
(numeric) The value of SLV calculated by calc_slv
(numeric) The crop code (gewascode) from the BRP
(character) The type of soil
(character) The agricultural economic region in the Netherlands (CBS, 2016)
Estimated contribution of the soil to the S balance of arable fields. A numeric value.
calc_sbal_arable(D_SLV = 65, B_LU_BRP = 1019, B_SOILTYPE_AGR = 'dekzand',
B_AER_CBS = 'Rivierengebied')
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