This function evaluates different Water Retention Indices. These include : 'wilting point','field capacity','water holding capacity','plant available water' and 'Ksat'

ind_waterretention(D_P_WRI, type = "plant available water")



(numeric) The value for Water Retention index (WRI) as calculated by calc_waterretention


(character) The type of water retention index. Options include c('wilting point','field capacity','water holding capacity','plant available water','Ksat')


The evaluated score for the soil function to retain and buffer water. Depending on the "type" chosen, the soil is evaluated for 'wilting point','field capacity','water holding capacity','plant available water' or 'Ksat'. Output is a numeric value varying between 0 and 1.


ind_waterretention(D_P_WRI = 75)
#> [1] 0.9130588
ind_waterretention(D_P_WRI = c(15,50,75,150))
#> [1] 0.1509276 0.6433603 0.9130588 0.9995661
ind_waterretention(D_P_WRI = c(0.1,0.2,0.5,0.8), type = 'water holding capacity')
#> [1] 0.01255622 0.09921257 0.85047706 0.99178167