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BLN input variables

The main function of the package bln_field() requires as input a series of soil properties required to assess the soil quality. The required input columns are specified in BLN::bln_input_description and can also be seen in the table below.

Note that not all parameters are required. Optional parameters incude:

  • measurements retreived from the Soil Condition Score, a manual soil profile assessment. These include all input variables ending with _BCS.
  • variables related to soil management measures. These include all input variables starting with M_
  • variables related to the targets for N and P being defined per Local Surface Water (LSW). These include the variables B_LSW_ID (set at NA), B_CT_PSW_MAX (set at 0.5), B_CT_NSW_MAX (set at 5.0) and the data.table with mean properties per LSW (object LSW, set at NULL).

Note also that by default the function is not (re)calculating the C saturation via machine learning (ML) models or the RothC model due to time restrictions. This implies the following:

  • by default the C-saturation via ML model is approximated via a simple linear regression model. This is done when A_SOM_LOI_MLMAX is set to NA. If the user has acces to a ML model, then this argument can be overwritten by the user.
  • by default the C-saturation for mineral soils, being estimated via RothC simulation modelling is set to NA. This is done when argument i_clim_rothc is set to NA and the variable runrothc = FALSE.
  • to rerun RothC one should set runrothc to TRUE. When mc is set to TRUE then it is calculated using multi-core processing.

All input variables are described below:

desc <- BLN::bln_input_description
code parameter data_type value_min value_max
A_AL_OX Aluminium extractable with oxalate num 0.1 1000
A_CA_CO_PO Calcium occupation num 1.0 100
A_CC_BCS Crop cover on the surface int 0.0 2
A_CEC_CO Cation Exchange Capacity num 1.0 1000
A_CLAY_MI Clay content num 0.1 75
A_CN_FR Carbon / Nitrogen ratio num 5.0 40
A_CU_CC Copper plant available num 0.1 1000
A_C_BCS Presence of visible cracks in the top layer int 0.0 2
A_DENSITY_SA Dry bulk density num 0.5 3
A_EW_BCS Presence of earth worms int 0.0 2
A_FE_OX Iron extractable with oxalate num 0.1 1000
A_GS_BCS Presence of watterlogged conditions and gley spots int 0.0 2
A_K_CC Potassium plant available num 1.0 600
A_K_CO_PO Potassium occupation num 0.1 50
A_MG_CC Magnesium plant available num 1.0 1100
A_MG_CO_PO Magnesium occupation num 0.1 50
A_MN_CC Manganese plant available num 0.1 60000
A_N_PMN Microbial Activity num 1.0 500
A_N_RT Total nitrogen content num 1.0 30000
A_PH_CC Acidity in CaCl2 num 3.0 10
A_P_AL Total phosphate content num 1.0 250
A_P_BCS Presence of water puddles on the lande|| ponding int 0.0 2
A_P_CC Phosphor plant available num 0.1 100
A_P_SG Phosphor saturation grade num 0.1 100
A_P_WA Phosphate in water extraction num 1.0 250
A_RD_BCS Root depth int 0.0 2
A_RT_BCS Presence of visible tracks / rutting or trampling on the land int 0.0 2
A_SAND_MI Sand content num 0.1 100
A_SC_BCS Presence of subsoil compaction int 0.0 2
A_SILT_MI Silt content num 0.1 100
A_SOM_LOI Organic matter content num 0.5 75
A_SS_BCS Soil structure int 0.0 2
A_S_RT S-totaal bodemvoorraad num 1.0 10000
A_ZN_CC Zinc plant available num 5.0 50000
B_AER_CBS Agricultural economic region CBS2016 char NA NA
B_AREA_DROUGHT Is the field located in an area with high risks for water deficiencies bool NA NA
B_CT_NSW The critical target for required reduction in N loss from agriculture to reach targets of KRW (Kader Richtlijn Water = EU guidelines for quality of surface and groundwater) num 0.0 1000
B_CT_NSW_MAX The max critical target for N reduction loss num 0.0 1000
B_CT_PSW The critical target for required reduction in P loss from agriculture to reach targets of KRW (Kader Richtlijn Water = EU guidelines for quality of surface and groundwater) num 0.0 1000
B_CT_PSW_MAX The max critical target for P reduction loss num 0.0 1000
B_FERT_NORM_FR The fraction of the fertilizer norm applied on the field num 0.0 1
B_GWL_CLASS Groundwater class char NA NA
B_GWL_GHG Averaged Highest Groundwater Level num 0.0 NA
B_GWL_GLG Averaged Lowest Groundwater Level num 0.0 NA
B_GWL_ZCRIT Distance between groundwater table and root zone (30 cm -mv) for delivering 2 mm/day num NA NA
B_GWP Is the field located in a groundwater protected area bool NA NA
B_HELP_WENR HELP soiltype char NA NA
B_LU_BRP Cultivation code according to BRP int NA NA
B_SC_WENR Compaction risk int NA NA
B_SLOPE_DEGREE Slope of the field num 0.0 30
B_SOILTYPE_AGR Agricultural soiltype char NA NA
D_RO_R Surface runoff risk num 0.0 1
D_SA_W The wet perimeter index of the field, fraction that field is surrounded by water num 0.0 1
M_COMPOST Frequency of compost application (every x years) int 0.0 100
M_DITCH Ditch is cleaned and sludge is applied bool NA NA
M_DRAIN Drains available bool NA NA
M_EARLYCROP Use of early crops bool NA NA
M_GREEN Use of green manure bool NA NA
M_LIME Has field been limed in last three years bool NA NA
M_MECHWEEDS Use of mechanical weed protection bool NA NA
M_NONBARE Field 80% of the year green bool NA NA
M_NONINVTILL Non inversion tillage bool NA NA
M_PESTICIDES_DST Use of DST for pesticides bool NA NA
M_SLEEPHOSE Manure application using sleep hoses bool NA NA
M_SOLIDMANURE Use of solid manure bool NA NA
M_SSPM Soil Structure Protection Measures bool NA NA
M_STRAWRESIDUE Application of straw residues bool NA NA
M_UNDERSEED Underseed of grass at maize bool NA NA
B_DRAIN Are drains installed to drain the field bool NA NA
B_SOMERS_BC The base combination of SOMERS peat soil classification int 1.0 290
B_DRAIN_SP The drooglegging of a field in summer (difference field height and ditch level, in meters) num 0.0 3
B_DRAIN_WP The drooglegging of a field in winter (difference field height and ditch level, in meters) num 0.0 3
A_SOM_LOI_MLMAX The max. percentage organc matter estimated via machine learning model (/%) num 0.0 100
ID field id, unique identifier for a field char NA NA
B_LSW_ID the id for the local surface water geometry where the field is located char NA NA
LSW the LSW database with mean properties per Local Surface Water data.table NA NA

BLN output variables

When the function bln_field has been used to assess the quality of the soil, then by default all soil indicators and BLN soil quality scores are calculated. A soil indicator is a number varying between zero (value 0) and one (value 1) expressing the distance to target. The target is met when the distance equals to 1. There are serious bottlenecks when the indicator value approaches zero. Similarly, a high score represents a high soil quality. Soil quality scores are basically a weighted mean of a subset of soil indicators, where the weighing procedure accounts for the distance to target.

All output variables are listed in the table below:

outdesc <- BLN::bln_output_description
code parameter
i_b_di The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for disease supressiveness in view of crop production
i_b_sf The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for soil microbial activity in view of crop production
i_c_k The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for potassium supply in view of crop production
i_c_mg The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for magnesium supply in view of crop production
i_c_n The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for nitrogen supply in view of crop production
i_c_p The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for phosphorus supply in view of crop production
i_c_ph The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for soil pH in view of crop production
i_c_s The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for sulfur supply in view of crop production
i_p_as The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for aggregate stability in view of crop production
i_p_co The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for subsoil compaction in view of crop production
i_p_cr The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for crumbleability in view of crop production
i_p_ds The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for drought stress in view of crop production
i_p_du The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for wind erodibility in view of crop production
i_p_ro The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for rootability in view of crop production
i_p_se The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for topsoil sealing in view of crop production
i_p_whc The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for water retention in view of crop production
i_p_wo The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for workability in view of crop production
i_p_ws The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for water stress in view of crop production
i_clim_csat The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for carbon saturation in mineral soils in view carbon sequestration potential using DL model
i_clim_osb The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for carbon soil balance in view carbon sequestration potential
i_clim_rothc The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for carbon saturation in mineral soils in view carbon sequestration potential using RothC model
i_clim_somers The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for carbon saturation in peat soils in view carbon sequestration potential using SOMERS model
i_gw_gwr The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for OBICs groundwater recharge in view of groundwater regulation and purification
i_gw_ngw The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for BBWPs nitrogen leaching risks in view of groundwater regulation and purification
i_gw_nlea The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for OBICs nitrogen leaching risks in view of groundwater regulation and purification
i_gw_nret The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for OBICs topsoil nitrogen retention in view of groundwater regulation and purification
i_gw_pest The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for OBICs pesticide leaching in view of groundwater regulation and purification
i_gw_wb The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for BBWPs topsoil water retention in view of groundwater regulation and purification
i_nut_k The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for potassium use efficiency in view of nutrient recycling and reuse
i_nut_n The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for nitrogen use efficiency in view of nutrient recycling and reuse
i_nut_nue The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for BBWPs nutrient use efficiency in view of nutrient recycling and reuse
i_nut_p The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for phosphorus use efficiency in view of nutrient recycling and reuse
i_sw_nret The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for OBICs nitrogen runoff risks in view of surface water regulation and purification
i_sw_nro The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for OBICs nitrogen retention in view of surface water regulation and purification
i_sw_nsw The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for BBWPs nitorgen runoff risk in view of surface water regulation and purification
i_sw_psw The soil indicator value reflecting distance to target for BBWPs phosphorus runoff risk in view of surface water regulation and purification
s_bln_esd_clim The BLN soil quality score for the ecosystem service carbon sequestration and climate regulation
s_bln_esd_nut The BLN soil quality score for the ecosystem service nutrient recycling and reuse
s_bln_esd_prod The BLN soil quality score for the ecosystem service crop production
s_bln_esd_water The BLN soil quality score for the ecosystem service water regulation and purification
s_bln_prod_b The aggregated soil indicator value for biological soil functions supporting crop production
s_bln_prod_c The aggregated soil indicator value for chemical soil functions supporting crop production
s_bln_prod_p The aggregated soil indicator value for physical soil functions supporting crop production
s_bln_clim The aggregated soil indicator value for soil functions supporting carbon sequestration and climate regulation
s_bln_gw_quality The aggregated soil indicator value for soil functions supporting groundwater regulation
s_bln_gw_quantity The aggregated soil indicator value for soil functions supporting groundwater purification
s_bln_nut The aggregated soil indicator value for soil functions supporting nutrient recycling and reuse
s_bln_sw_quality The aggregated soil indicator value for soil functions supporting surface water purification
s_bln_total The total BLN soil quality score