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BLN 0.9.0 2025-03-15


  • remove dependency on private package carboncastr, #BLN-10
  • update bln_rothc_field and rothc_initialise
  • package table bln_crops expanded with B_LU_MAKKINK and B_LU


  • function bln_rothc_sim to simulate evolution of SOC as function of crop rotation and amendment
  • function bln_rothc with differential equations for RothC modelling
  • function bln_rothc_input_rmf, bln_rothc_input_crop and bln_rothc_input_amendment to facilitate and process RothC inputs
  • function bln_rothc_event, bln_rothc_event_crop and bln_rothc_event_amendment to facilitate and process RothC events
  • test functions for rothc events, inputs and simulation
  • package table bln_makkink

BLN 0.8.1 2025-03-12


  • error in crop rotation assignment in rothc_scenario, #BLN-11
  • add carboncastr dependency to suggests

BLN 0.8.0 2025-02-22


  • github page added via pgkdown to build package website plus articles
  • github actions checking pull requests

BLN 0.7.0 2025-02-22


  • function bln_rothc_field has now argument scen to allow users to use rothc for multiple scenarios: BAU, BAUIMPR, CLT and ALL
  • function bln_clim_rothc runs with default scenarios BAU and ALL
  • function rothc_parallel and bln_rothc_multicore allow users to use rothc for multiple scenarios


  • plot function plot_bln_rothc_ts for SOC evolution from RothC
  • plot function plot_bln_map to plot BLN scores for a set of fields
  • plot function plot_bln_boxplot to plot classic boxplots for BLN scores, aggregated per ESD type
  • test script test-bln_plots for testing plot functions


  • adapt inconcistent number of simyears in multicore and default RothC calculation in bln_clim_rothc

BLN 0.6.0 2025-02-18


  • the argument outputtype in bln_field_optimiser has new arguments: scores, indicators, bottlenecks, rotation or all, #BLN-6
  • bln_field_optimiser can give the score per ESD and aggregated BLN function for each of the requested crop rotations (option scores)
  • bln_field_optimiser can give the score per indicators for each of the requested crop rotations (option indicators)
  • bln_field_optimiser can give the bottleneck per ESD or aggregated BLN function (option bottlenecks)
  • bln_field_optimiser can give the best crop rotation per ESD or aggregated BLN function (option rotation)


  • test for bln_field_optimiser given the update in function argumentation

BLN 0.5.1 2025-01-14


  • move private package soilcastor from imports to suggests
  • add warnings / stops for internal functions bln_rothc_field, rothc_initialise, rothc_parallel and bln_rothc_multicore using soilcastor to avoid installation errors when the soilcastor package is not available.
  • remove use of internal package tables from soilcastor in rothc_scenario function
  • add stops for internal function bln_rothc_multicore for packages future, future.apply and parallelly when packages are not installed
  • set i_clim_rothc to NA when carboncastr is not available


  • add tests for rothc helper functions rothc_scenario and rothc_initialise
  • updated the bln_crop package table in dev following pandex

BLN 0.5.0 2025-01-01


  • vignette bln_intro given a short intro to the package and the main function to assess soil quality
  • vignette bln_column_description describing all inputs and outputs of the BLN package
  • vignette bln_ess_crop_production describing the assessment of soil health in view of crop production
  • internal package tables for bln_input_description and bln_output_description
  • wrapper function bln_field_dt to apply the bln_field function on a data.table
  • checkmate on argument output in bln_field
  • add ignore to vignettes to avoid synchronize html pages with git


  • ensure that B_LSW_ID in the wrapper function bln_field is always converted to character
  • add B_AER_CBS as input in internal table in bln_c_sulfur


  • bln_lsw_farm_hf table

BLN 0.4.0 2024-12-24


  • function bln_format_gtclass for creating classes of ground water table data, based on GHG and GLG
  • test function test-bln_format_gtclass of the function described above

BLN 0.3.0 2024-12-23


  • optimiser for crop rotation schemes in view of targeted improvements in soil ecosystem services bln_field_optimiser
  • internal package table for crop rotation schemes bln_scen_croprotation


  • ppr_tables in dev to prepare internal package table bln_scen_croprotation

BLN 0.2.0 2024-12-23


  • SOMERS calculation of emissions in peat soils, function bln_clim_somers and associated test function
  • internal package table for SOMERS meta-model bln_somers


  • ppr_tables in dev to prepare internal package table bln_somers

BLN 0.1.0 2024-11-05

First version of the R package to assess soil quality using BLN framework


  • 1 BLN wrapper function bln_field to estimate all indicators and ecosystem services (BLN scores) for agricultural fields
  • 18 functions starting with bln_prod to evaluate soil quality for its contribution to crop production. This includes soil chemical, physical and biological functions.
  • 6 functions starting with bln_gw to evaluate soil quality for its contribution to groundwater recharge and groundwater quality
  • 4 functions starting with bln_sw to evaluate soil quality for its contribution to surface water quality
  • 3 functions starting with bln_clim to evaluate soil quality for its contribution to carbon sequestration
  • 7 helper function in bln helpers for water retention, input formatting and weighing function
  • 4 evaluating functions in bln_evaluate to estimate a BLN indicator from a BLN function
  • 2 helper functions bln_add_management and bln_calc_psp as replacement of OBIC functions in view of speed
  • 7 package tables added: bln_parms, bln_lsw, bln_lsw_farm_hf
  • internal package table for crop properties (bln_crops)
  • internal package table describint the input variables (bln_parms)
  • internal package tables for common soil types (bln_soiltype) and threshold values to evaluate soil functions (bln_thresholds)
  • example dataset bln_farm_hf for a single farm in te Netherlands

BLN 0.0.1 2023-08-18

First package setup