This table helps to link the different crops in the OBIC functions with the crops selected by the user
A data.frame with 521 rows and 8 columns:
- crop_code
The BRP gewascode of the crop
- crop_name
The name of the crop, in lower case
- crop_cat1
Classification of crop per land use type (arable, maize, grass, nature)
- bln_country
The country name where the crop codes are applicable
- B_LU
The international crop code used in pandex
The effective organic matter supply via roots and root exudates (kg EOS/ha)
The effective organic matter supply via crop residues (kg EOS/ha)
The humification coefficient for the crop remainings left in soil after harvest
A crop category used in OBIC to express sensitivity to water stress
A crop category used to link crop to Makkink correction factor to estimate actual evaporation