Calculate the BLN score for one field using a data.table as input
This functions wraps the functions of the BLN2 into one main function to calculate the soil quality score for a single field. Whereas the function `bln_field` requires all variables as separate inputs, the function `bln_field_dt` allows one to send in a data.table
- dt
(data.table) A data.table with all input required to calculate BLN on field level
(data.table) The averaged soil properties (mean and sd) per Local Surface Water. Can be derived from bbwp_lsw_properties.
- output
(character) An optional argument to select output: scores, indicators, or all. (default = all)
- runrothc
(boolean) An argument to switch off rothc calculations due to running time (default: FALSE)
- mc
(boolean) option to run rothc in parallel on multicores