This table contains all parameters being used in the BLN package to calculate the soil quality index.
A data.table with x rows and x columns:
- bln_parm_id
the parameter id
- bln_parm_name
the name of the parameter
- bln_parm_type
the type of the parameter. Options: measurement, field property
- bln_parm_description
a short description of the parameters
- bln_parm_unit
the unit of the parameter
- bln_parm_min
the maximum allowed value for the parameter
- bln_parm_max
the minimum allowed value for the parameter
- bln_parm_data_type
the data type of the parameter: numeric, character or boolean
- bln_parm_enum
does the parameter have predefined options
- bln_parm_options
allowed options for the parameteer