This function calculates the change in carbon stock or C pools (in kg C per ha) based on organic matter amendments, crop rotation, and long-term averaged weather conditions.
A_DEPTH = 0.3,
B_DEPTH = 0.3,
cf_yield = 1,
rothc_rotation = NULL,
rothc_amendment = NULL,
rothc_parms = list(simyears = 50, init = FALSE, spinup = 10, method = "adams")
(numeric) The percentage organic matter in the soil (%).
(numeric) The clay content of the soil (%).
(numeric) Depth for which soil sample is taken (m). Default set to 0.3.
(numeric) Depth of the cultivated soil layer (m), simulation depth. Default set to 0.3.
- cf_yield
(numeric) A relative yield correction factor (fraction) if yield is higher than regional average
(character) gives the tillage system applied. Options include NT (no-till), ST (shallow-till), CT (conventional-till) and DT (deep-till).
- rothc_rotation
(data.table) Table with crop rotation details and crop management actions that have been taken. Includes also crop inputs for carbon. See details for desired format.
- rothc_amendment
(data.table) A table with the following column names: year, month, P_NAME, P_DOSE, P_HC, P_OM, and p_p2o5, where month is optional.
- rothc_parms
(list) A list with simulation parameters controlling the dynamics of RothC Model. Default is NULL. For more information, see details.
This function simulates the fate of SOC given the impact of soil properties, weather and management. The following inputs are mandatory: rothc_rotation, A_SOM_LOI (%), and A_CLAY_MI (%). All other data is optional. When no weather inputs are given, these are estimated from long-term average weather conditions in the Netherlands.
The organic amendment table includes the columns year, month, P_NAME, P_DOSE, P_HC, P_OM, and p_p2o5, where month is optional. P_NAME is the fertilizer name, P_DOSE has units (kg / ha), P_HC is the humification coefficient (fraction), P_OM is the organic matter content (
The crop table includes the columns: year, B_LU (a crop id), B_LU_NAME (a crop name), B_LU_EOM_CROP (the effective organic matter content, kg/ha), B_LU_EOM_CROPRESIDUE (the effective organic matter content for crop residues, kg/ha), and the B_LU_HC (the humification coeffient,-). The crop table might include the measures M_GREEN, M_GREEN_PROPERLY, M_CROPRESIDUE, M_IRRIGATION and M_RENEWAL, all in upper case. * M_GREEN_TIMING (character) the month in which the catch crop is sown, options: (august,september,october,november,never) * M_CROPRESIDUE (boolean) gives whether crop residues are amended to the soil after harvest. * M_IRRIGATION (boolean) gives whether the crop is irrigated. * M_RENEWAL (boolean) gives whether the grassland is renewed (only applicable for grassland)
The simulation of C via the RothC model can be adapted by the following parameters: initialize, c_fractions, dec_rates, simyears and unit. These have to be in a list called 'rothc_parms'.