Table with country specific threshold values to evaluate soilquality'
This table contains the evaluation coefficients to convert a soil function value into a soil quality score ranging from 0 to 1. The scoring function migh vary per country, indicator and subcatogries defined by variable categories of soil and crop types.
A data.table with x rows and 12 columns:
- bln_trh_id
the threshold category id
- bln_country
the country name where the threshold coefficients apply
- bln_esd
the soil ecosystem service for which the threshold applies
- bln_category
the soil quality category: chemical, biological, physical, other
- bln_indicator
the bln indicator for which the threshold applies
- bln_indicator_name
the bln indicator name
- bln_threshold_cropcat
the bln crop category for which specific thresholds apply. if empy, then the threshold is generally applicable
- bln_threshold_soilcat
the bln soil category for which specific thresholds apply. if empy, then the threshold is generally applicable
- bln_scoringtype
the soil evaluation function to score the soil function. Options: parabolic, logistic, linear
- bln_st_c1
the first coefficient of the scoring function selected
- bln_st_c2
the second coefficient of the scoring function selected
- bln_st_c3
the third coefficient of the scoring function selected