Plot a BLN score or indicator on a map
dt.region = NULL,
pbreak = NULL,
plabel = NULL,
pregio_level = NULL,
pregio_label = NULL,
ptitle = NULL,
psubtitle = NULL,
rev = FALSE,
lpos = c(0.2, 0.8),
ptype = "map"
- dt.scores
(data.table) data.table with results from BLN calculations. Includes a spatial geometry.
- dt.region
(data.table) data.table with a spatial geometry for a given region to be plot on top of the fields. Optional.
- parm
(character) one of the BLN indicator or scores to be plotted
- pbreak
(vector) a vector to categorize the input in classes. Default is NULL.
- plabel
(vector) a vector with label names used for the legend. Default is NULL.
- pregio_level
(vector) a vector with names used for the regio stats. Order defines plotting order. Default is NULL.
- pregio_label
(vector) a vector with label names used for the regio stats. Default is NULL.
- ptitle
(character) a title to be added to the figure. Default is NULL.
- psubtitle
(character) a subtitle to be added to the figure. Default is NULL.
- rev
(boolean) a boolean argument to reverse the color mapping. Default is FALSE.
- lpos
(vector) a two dimensional vector to position the legend inside the plot. Default c(0.2,0.8).
- ptype
(character) a figure type. options: map, mapplusstats